Saturday, March 14, 2009


I'm sorry if i being kind to you, i just tryin to adpt to my gf friends. I didn't mean to make you feeling uncomfartable. Thank you so much for calling "Annoying Dude" , after this i won't disturb your life. its not my gf fault, and i know its not your fault too, maybe its my fault, cause i'm being kind at the wrong place, at the wrong time. So if you want to be free, so be it. Oooh ya i deleted you from my Blogger and Myspace friends. I know that you won't care about it. So i don't mind to deleted you as my friend. I just want say sorry if i being annoying to you. Its my fault, not my gf, not even you.
Oooh yaa... You don't know anything about me, k. Don't be like "orang punca" . But if you know well about my life, please read for as my bed time story, k.

I admit that i know some thing or some part of you too. But if i think that again, it won't give anything at all.
so i just want to say sorry, for being "Annoying Dude" to you. I promise to my gf that i won't disturb you anymore, k.
so? Oooh yaaa....THANKS!!! for calling me " Annoying Dude ".

Its been my pleasure being a " Short Term " friend with you.


1 comment:

Iqbal Ismail said...

xper la org nk pggl kiter annoying dude..
yang akuh tau ko kawan plg best..
baru kenal ko dh pggl ko annoying..
dh knal lama baru ckp ar..