Monday, March 23, 2009


Day : Jumaat
Date : 20 / 03 / 2009
Vanue : Stesen Bas Putra
Time : 10.00 Clock

Me, my family ( teman sampai stesen bus jer ) and my friend Fahmi, Izzuddin, Aina, Syafiqah, and Zalikha went to Kelantan last Friday. We went to Kelantan cause we attend to our Pangajian Am teacher Encik Zulkifli wedding. We took a bus to go to the Kelantan, but we have to wait 1 hour and 30 minute cause some delayed. We were when the bus arrived bacause we thought the bus that was some fancy bus, but the bus we took is a bus that wrote " Persatuan Bola Sepak Pulau Pinang" so we were laugh cause that time we think that we going to be some football player, hahaha... When we were in bus we kinda a little bit scared cause the safety condition of the bus. So after that we were heading to Kelantan, in the bus. We were act like "kids" we make some noise at the back, hahaha... When we were in the bus, i feel like i'm living in the freezer. I can't stand of the air-con!!! It's so cold!!! hahaha... After that we overwhelmed some accident that included a bus that overturn. After that scene Fahmi cannot go to sleep. And then we rest at some stopping place, we had a hot drink cause at that time was rainning. After that we continue our journey.

Day : Saturday
Date : 21 / 03 / 2009
Vanue : Kota Bharu & Pasir Mas

Sharp at 7.00 clock, we travel by bus almost 9 too 10 hours, we arrived at Kelantan Bus Station. After that we seperated with girls, Aina father pick up the girls, while the boys we took the bus City Liner ( like Bus Putra lar ) we continue our travel to Pasir Mas, almost 30 - 45 minute. Then we had our breakfast at Pasir Mas. After that Tok Su Izzuddin pick up us at the Pasir Mas Bus Station, we went to Izzuddin Tok Su house, we stayed there, while waiting to go to the Cikgu Zul's wedding.Then we went to Pasir Mas Market to buy some present for Cikgu Zul, we bought kain pelekat and some fruit's.
Then we went to Cikgu Zul wedding, it was a simple ceremony, seriously simple, and i like it !!!. There was a lot of people were there. We waited for the arriving of the Pengantin Lelaki & Pengantin Perempuan. Then we saw a bus that full of people and then we know that was the rombongan. Then we eat, taking pictures, joking around, then went back. Me, Fahmi, and Izzuddin went to Rantau Panjang. The journey almost 30 minute, we arrived and walk around, Fahmi and Izzuddin bought Malaysian Football jersy, while for Me, I bought a Adidas Bag that almost cost me RM 30.00. Then we went back to Izzuddin Tok Su house to get ready backpack to KL. At Izzuddin To Su house, we were walking around, playing around. About 6.00 o'clock Izzuddin Tok Su sent us to Pasir Mas KTM Statiion. Our train depart at 7.00 o'clock. Then Inside the we were shock went we look the cabin, it was much better then we thought. We were happy at that time, I stayed with Fahmi, while Izzuddin his cabin was the other side of cabin. But its ok. Then we start travel by train back to KL. While in the train, we laugh a lot, playing around, take a walk in the train, buying some food at the train canteen. So when i went back to my cabin, i was so happy that i travelling with my friends. We taking pictures, and a lot a stuff. At 12.00 o'clock we went to sleep, cause everyone tired. We woke up at 4.00 something,cause the train stop by at Gemas, at Gemas the train HAVE!!! to stop about 30 - 45 minute because of the generator failure. So the train went blackout. After that we continue our journey, we travel by train almost 15 hours, but its ok. IT SO MUCH FUN !!! compare to bus.

Day : Sunday
Date : 22 / 03 / 2009
Vanue : KL Sentral

We arrived at KL Sentral about 10 o'clock, and we did't adapt to the sitution yet, becaause we travel all in 24 hours. So the conclusian is ITS WAS THE BEST TRAVELLING I EVER HAD !!! hahaha...!!!

I just want to say that CONGRATS !!! to Encik Zulkifli,
and for my friends thanks for the trip, it means a lot to me.
next time kita pergi lagi !!! hahaha...

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