Thursday, April 9, 2009


Every living thing have thier own opinion, their thinking also different. Some of the people think their good enough, and some don't. But for me everybody have their own preference thing's @ ideas and everything, thats's what we call " Human ". Each human is different through out the skin colour, religion, culture. Human tends to do something negatif & positif, but if we think matures & think long term, we as a gods creation the life have to go on. Everyhuman have their own obstruction. This kind obstruction makes a person more matured.

Example like Leonardo DiCaprio use to say : what makes a people be a bad @ mean @ cruel people?

the answer is : the way of human thinking makes the person whether good @ bad

All poeple are good, nice, it is a matter of question about " thinking " & " intention ". Example like Leadership if the leadership think's about his people he must be positif, good, honest, understanding the poeple, and strong, then the nation and the people will like him. But at the same we as a human we make a mistake and thats a common thing.

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